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SNOMED CT codelists

SNOMED CT Codelists generated from CTV3🔗

At the time of writing (26 Oct 2020), most SNOMED CT Codelists on OpenCodelists have been generated from CTV3 Codelists using a mapper function. They have not been reviewed, or used in any research. They are clearly marked with "Automatically-generated equivalent" within the description.

Codelists now built in SNOMED CT🔗

When the codelist builder came online in August / September, it defaults to creating new codelists in SNOMED CT and then mapping to CTV3 where needed. This is because SNOMED CT has more codes than the other coding systems and therefore we do not lose granularity going from one coding system to another. To convert a new SNOMED CT code to CTV3, please contact the tech team. This is currently manually run but will be automated soon.