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ehrQL overview

  • ehrQL is a query language for electronic health record (EHR) data.
  • You run ehrQL in OpenSAFELY to query data.
  • The result of an ehrQL query is an output file with one row per patient and one column per feature of interest.
  • Columns might be features such as:
    • age
    • BMI
    • number of prescriptions of a particular drug


ehrQL is a replacement for OpenSAFELY's cohort-extractor.

cohort-extractor will continue to work and be supported for OpenSAFELY projects created before June 2023.

However, new projects should use ehrQL to query data available in OpenSAFELY. Please get in touch with us before you start using ehrQL and we can help you get started.

For more details, read our explanation on what this change means for existing cohort-extractor users.

ehrQL provides access to several data sources🔗

Data sources that you can query include:

  • Primary care EHR data such as:
    • patient demographics
    • medication events
    • other clinical events
  • Some data from secondary care
  • External data sets such as death data from ONS

💡 Refer to the list of datasets available through OpenSAFELY.

How to start learning ehrQL🔗

We suggest that you first read through the introduction section in order, starting with "Using this documentation"

The introduction will give you more information about ehrQL and this documentation.

Next, work through the tutorial section in order, starting with "Installation and setup".

The tutorial will guide you through:

  • setting up and running ehrQL on your own computer
  • writing ehrQL queries (known as dataset definitions)