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Managing Gitpod workspaces

Make the most of Gitpod's free plan🔗

If you're just trying out OpenSAFELY initially, you're unlikely to encounter Gitpod's usage limits, even on their free plan.

However, if you do want to preserve usage minutes on Gitpod, you can manually stop a Gitpod workspace as soon as you have finished with it. A workspace can be stopped either in the workspace via the Gitpod button in the bottom-left corner and then selecting "Gitpod: Stop workspace" in the dropdown menu. or via visiting, hovering on the workspace, left-clicking on the vertical dots (â‹®) and selecting "Stop".

Workspace timeouts🔗

On the free plan, Gitpod workspaces allow 30 minutes of inactivity before the workspace stops running. Stopped workspaces are not immediately deleted; you have several days to open a stopped workspace before its deletion and that will restore the environment with any changed files in it.

Viewing your workspaces🔗

You can see which Gitpod workspaces you have open by visiting when logged into Gitpod, or clicking the Gitpod button in the bottom-left of the screen and selecting "Gitpod: Open dashboard". The stopped workspaces are visible by changing the search filter from "Active" to "All", and you can open a stopped workspace by hovering on the workspace, left-clicking on the vertical dots (â‹®) and selecting "Open".

This is useful if you close the relevant browser tabs or windows and want to find which workspace you were working in.